happy long memorial day weekend!
I’m hoping this weekend is relaxing and rejuvenating, with lots of quality family time. Commuting to L.A. every day is exhausting [is there anything worse than the 405 during rush hour?], and weekends are pretty much the only time I have to catch up sleep and my to-do list that tends to roll over into the next week… and the next week… and the week after that. In my dream weekend, I would cross off major items like ‘deep-clean the apartment’ and ‘finalize wedding pictures for album’ [I'm pretty sure waiting almost 2 years makes me a really, really bad… and annoying?.. person]. But in my dream weekend, I would also do things like, make raspberry coconut popsicles, from-scratch corn chowder, and homemade pop tarts. We would spend some time in the Palisades and watch endless episodes of Friday Night Lights. We would get the campaign dressers we bought to look like this and finally sell D’s 1966 Dodge Coronet. I would study for the GRE, get some amazing shots for my Photo 101 class and maybe even play around with some Fuji 400 film with my g-saled Holga. We would go kayaking in the Newport back bay and do some early morning yoga at Lululemon. And maybe, maybe, we would even find some beautiful place and get lost.