“Mom likes to call me ‘the little guy.’ So I’m here on the blog to set things straight. I may be little, and yes, I do hide under pillows on the bed when dad decides to vacuum (have you heard that thing? it’s scary!!), but I’m a big kid now. One time, I barked at my cousin Clyde so ferociously that I propelled myself backwards. That was a rookie mistake. I’ve learned to take more initiative with my bark and hold my ground. I now bark at big dogs, little dogs, and ducks (just in case). My motto: no fear. And if that doesn’t work, I’ve perfected this face. I think it says, ‘Don’t mess.’ Talk to my toy turtle if you think I’m kidding… he doesn’t have any stuffing left, and I’m still not done with him.
Well, that’s all for now. I’ll be back later.
Winston Gyllenhammer (p.s. Grandpa thinks it’s funny that I have a last name, but I’m practically a person, so it’s ok).”